Friday 11 September 2015

Good News!

There is Good News!

(Picture from Unicef, Malawi)
 After reading today’s newspaper, I’m in need of some good news …

 What is the Gospel that the Bible talks about? Gospel means Good News!

When I grew up, I thought that the Bible only had bad news – bad news that I just wasn’t good enough… just like my school reports that said “could try harder!”

But over and over again, the New Testament talks about the Good News: Mark writes: Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.  "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark ch1)

What was the Good News that Jesus preached?

It was that God’s Kingdom & rule had come to earth in Jesus. It was God coming into our world. And it was not God bringing judgment and condemnation; no! It was God bringing love, healing, and teaching on how to live in God’s way.

But the religious establishment did not like this new teaching because it empowered the poor and the outcasts. So the powerful religious leaders had Jesus killed on a cross.

They thought that was the end of it. Even Jesus closest followers went into hiding.

But it wasn’t the end.

In three days Jesus walked out of the tomb in which his body had been placed. He appeared to many of his followers, explaining how the cross was part of God’s wonderful plan for people. Then Jesus was seen disappearing into the clouds.

He told his followers to wait in the city, Jerusalem. Some days later, at the Jewish feast of Pentecost about 120 of them were gathered praying when God the Holy Spirit, like tongues of fire, came to rest upon each of them. God actually came to live within them. They were empowered to do the same great works that Jesus had done, and to bring the same teaching from God.

Full of God’s power, and enthusiasm, they took God’s good news throughout the city, and then out to the whole world. And the really good news is that God’s Holy Spirit – God within us, is available not just to those first disciples, but to anyone who seeks God earnestly and puts their trust in Jesus. Jesus had said before he was crucified: I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father”. (Jn 14). This has been the experience of Jesus’ followers from that day until this!


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