Friday 10 April 2015

I.S. … is the church to blame?

Young people from the Western world are running away to join the Islamic State forces in Iraq, attracted by messages on social media – a cause – something to live and die for …

Is “fundamentalism” really the culprit? Or does it go deeper than that?

You know, there is another message that is having a positive impact...When Jesus left just a few followers on earth, they had a message and supernatural power to change the world. 

What has happened? That message is still alive today. See, for example what is happening in some W Cape townships …Gateway News Alpha in Gugulethu . We are having similar experiences in KZN  Sarepta Youth

But are we somehow afraid to shout about a message that is attractive and positive? Are we hiding it in decaying buildings?
         Why choose this?
When we can choose this?

What do you think?
Maybe we can save lives just by passing on the right message …
Why not?


  1. Thanks Dave, we need to make a good and right decision. Good tree bears good fruit.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
